CastleRidge Construction

CastleRidge Construction Website

Services Provided


We built a fresh website for CastleRidge construction using information we collected through interviews with the owners and photos they shared with us.

Graphic Design

When we reviewed their current assets, we noticed that their logo was quite outdated. We recommended a new logo—something visually clear that also portrayed who they were. They agreed, and we used the logo design as inspiration for the overall look and feel of the website.


Saltmedia created all the content for the website, using both the information they wanted to include, and SEO recommendations based on our research. It was important to convey CastleRidge Construction’s specialty in custom design, and we incorporated this throughout the content.


CastleRidge Construction’s website is hosted on our servers for security, reliability, and fast loading speeds.

Project Gallery


CastleRidge Construction is a local company serving Northern Alberta communities around Grande Prairie. They provide custom design and building services for residential, commercial, and agricultural customers.


This company’s existing website was extremely outdated and no longer reflected who they were as a company. (Having an old and outdated website can make you look like an old and outdated company!) They really needed a new website reflecting their professionalism and expertise.


CastleRidge Construction has been around for a long time, and they’ve evolved as a company. It was important to build a website that reflected what the company is today, not just ‘freshen up’ an old website.


With the new website, CastleRidge’s current and future customers can easily find them online and quickly see all the services the company offers. The portfolio page shows dozens of amazing projects, and the FAQ page answers the most common questions the company receives every week.

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Proudly Métis owned
Office Address
#101, 10418 99 Ave
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 0S3
Mailing Address
PO Box 23072 GP
AB, T8V 6X2
CCAB LogoCDAP Advisor LogoIndigenous Procurement Ready Logo

Saltmedia Inc operates on the traditional territory of Treaty 8 in what is now known as Grande Prairie. We value the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit who lived and cared for this land long before Canada was founded, and we recognize that it is a privilege to operate our business here.

Our Prince George site operates on the traditional territory of the Lheidli T’enneh.

We are grateful to the Elders and Knowledge Keepers who are with us today, and those who’ve gone before us.
